Home Vídeos News TSE expulsa coronel Ricardo Sant’anna da comissão de transparência eleitoral

TSE expulsa coronel Ricardo Sant’anna da comissão de transparência eleitoral

by Infonew
TSE expulsa coronel Ricardo Sant'anna da comissão de transparência eleitoral

O TSE comunicou nesta segunda-feira (08) a expulsão do coronel Ricardo Sant’anna da comissão de fiscalização do processo eleitoral por divulgar notícias contra as urnas eletrônicas. A decisão contou com o apoio das Forças Armadas para garantir a lisura das eleições.

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Let the Lawsuits Begin – Banks Brace For a Storm of Litigation

Lawsuits threaten the banks from all sides – from state attorneys general, consumer class actions, and investor backlash. Shifting liability for the subprime debacle back to the banks could bankrupt even the biggest banks. But that might not be the end of the world . . .

Industries Dying in the United States

It is virtually in the news everywhere you look on television, in the newspapers, even on the radio. Some United States industries are becoming extinct. Companies that are in the industry business are seeing the affects of the economy. This is evident when viewing the gross domestic product. The labor force is shrinking. Economics, being the study of goods and services: the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services has become a dreary outcome for those companies not being able to survive the economic downturn. The foreign competition industries are far from becoming extinct. The labor force is growing overseas. Why is this? Foreign competitions dollar value is becoming stronger. The foreign industries are not having to deal with technology and rising costs that American industries are enduring. The economically challenged United States industries include various companies. Some of the United States industries that are becoming extinct and economically challenged include the various manufacturing industries. Included in the dying industries are the textile production companies.

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