TSE receberá militares HOJE para inspecionar código-fonte das urnas. Bolsonaro critica ministros do STF e diz que não ‘tem porque assinar’ carta pró-democracia. ‘Não abandonaremos Taiwan’, diz Nancy Pelosi a presidente. Justiça condena Barbara Gancia por chamar assessor de Bolsonaro de supremacista. Demi Lovato explica o porquê de voltar a utilizar pronomes femininos.
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Facing Challenging Times – Worry is Not a Requirement
The job loss count is rising; just about every week we read of another new batch of folks now out of work, a new batch of folks who are underemployed, a new batch of folks who have given up. The unemployment rate is rising. Can worrying help solve the problem?
Foreclosure Hits All Time HighIn America foreclosures now are at an all-time high. Did you know that experts predict nearly 1.5 million home owners will face foreclosure in this year itself! While it is also predicted, that the residents of Texas, California and Florida will face the worst of the wrath.