TSE rejeita recomendações das Forças Armadas no processo eleitoral


O presidente do TSE Edson Fachin rejeitou nesta segunda-feira (9) as sete recomendações feitas pelas Forças Armadas sobre o processo eleitoral, apontando os respectivos erros nas colocações, e reforçou o papel do TSE em assegurar e aprimorar o sistema para as eleições.

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All You Need To Know About Home Foreclosures

Home foreclosures are the options most individuals who are searching a home to buy opt for. Foreclosures simply mean a lawful process that the lender uses to recover a certain amount of money from a borrower who has refused to pay.

Coins – All About the Old British Halfpenny Coin, From 900 Years Ago to Its Last Production in 1967

The demise of the British halfpenny coin in 1967 saw the end of an era and was a precursor to the decimalisation of the currency in 1971. Here we look at the history of this coin, and then look at the opportunity of owning a piece (or pieces) of history…

Hyperinflation – Five Shocking Facts

As time passes prices have a tendency to rise, this is inflation and it’s a very common occurrence amongst all nations. Efforts to curb rising inflation are put into place by governments and central banks. Then there is deflation which occurs less frequently. Deflation can been seen as a general reduction in wages and over-all prices while at the same time the inflation rate drops below zero. Occurring at a much lesser degree is hyperinflation, a very rare event. Hyperinflation is an event that does not affect or trouble nations often. However if and when it does it leaves behind a path of destruction with such force, it will completely wipe-out an entire society.

Safe Practice and Positive Choices

The United States can create enough jobs to employ all, but not with the majority of business models in place. Until greed and the corporate mentality of today is eliminated people will continue to destroy the economy and our earth.

Online Retailers Should Collect Sales Tax

  It was refreshing to see bi-partisan support by 75 senators to include a version of the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) legislation in the budget resolution. The legislation will enable state and local governments to collect sales taxes from online purchases. Opponents claim such legislation unfairly punishes online retailers for their success but, more likely, proponents assert that the legislation actually restores fairness by eliminating an unfair advantage enjoyed by online retailers over brick-and-mortar retailers for more than a decade.

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