Home Vídeos News Vantagem de Lula para Bolsonaro diminui, segundo pesquisa Genial/Quaest

Vantagem de Lula para Bolsonaro diminui, segundo pesquisa Genial/Quaest

by Infonew
Vantagem de Lula para Bolsonaro diminui, segundo pesquisa Genial/Quaest

A diferença entre o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) e o presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) caiu de 18 para 16 pontos na intenção de voto no primeiro, conforme dados da pesquisa Genial/Quaest divulgada nesta quarta-feira (06), indicando que a disputa pelo Palácio do Planalto ficou mais apertada. Conforme a pesquisa estimulada para o primeiro turno, Lula teria 45% e Bolsonaro 31%.

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Financial Markets in Turmoil

The results of the election of 2008 are that the economy is going to be managed by Congress and the President, not by market forces. The $787,000,000,000 stimulus bill, passed by Congress is in most cases funding pet projects that Democrat Congressmen/women and Senators have in their districts or states.

Lemonade Stand Plan For America

I started rethinking about the state of the country and the economy this weekend when my kids started a lemonade stand. They made $12.50 each for 4 hours of work. It brought me back to my childhood that involved not only a lemonade stand, but also an earthworm farm, handmade fishing lures, and a lawn mowing service. I first thought that maybe my kids had picked up the entrepreneurial bug from me. After watching as several of the neighborhood kids joined the lemonade stand sales team, I realized that the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well inside each one of us.

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