Home Vídeos mais Recentes VEJA OS NOVOS PÔSTERES DE STRANGER THINGS 4 | DROPS da Pan – 04/05/22



Mais três pôsteres de “Stranger Things 4” foram divulgados e mostram Joyce, Murray e Hopper, que estarão em uma missão separada na Rússia. A apresentadora Kamila Pavão conta tudo sobre a quarta temporada de uma das séries mais populares.

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Do You Need a Car and a Smart Phone to Make Money?

You will need a smart phone to get a job and keep it. Your will also need a car to get a good job, which means you have a drivers credential.

Spiritual Poverty – What Does It Mean?

A report of a comprehensive study of poverty in the UK in 2012, was edited by Esther Dermott and Gill Main (Universities of Bristol and Leeds respectively.) It was not about spiritual poverty but social exclusion. They found that those surveyed thought poverty is not being able to afford to live an ordinary social life, with adequate shelter and enough nourishment. Having little money and poor housing parallels spiritual poverty. Both are about a lack of what is important for well-being and personal flourishing.

Terrorism and Economic Growth: The Case of Pakistan

Terrorism has negative impressions on a country’s economy. It destroys physical and human capital, creates uncertainty in the market, and urgently demands the government’s expenses on anti-terrorist facilities. Pakistan is particularly susceptible to the economic consequences of terrorism. Human capital development will help mitigate terrorism in the long run and contribute to economic growth in Pakistan.

Why Your Mindset Is Vital During a Pandemic

No one will dispute that we are undergoing challenging times right now as a result of COVID-19 a.k.a. the Coronavirus. Most all of us are suffering from varying degrees of hardship. What differentiates how well you adapt has less to do with the severity of the hardship you are under, and more to do with your outlook or mindset about it.

The Obstruction Of Democracy

It should came as no surprise that Mike Bloomberg in his disdain for not only Bernie Sanders but the voting public is using not only his own wealth to finance one of the most saturated campaign adds we have seen but is being backed by many Wall Street financiers in his bid for the Presidency. It is not hard to fathom that Bloomberg is so well connected to Wall Street with ties going back to the late 1970’s. With people like Bill McNabb of Vanguard or Lloyd Bankfein of Goldman Sachs and others have so much to loose if Bernie…

The Reality Of The Social Amelioration Program Of DSWD In The Philippines

Apparently, the social amelioration program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development is for everyone. However, in reality it’s not.

India Lockdown: Economic Inequalities Make The Poor The Hardest Hit!

About 93% of the Indian workforce was engaged as self-employed and in the unorganized sector as per the Economic Survey of 2007-08. With growing urbanization, a world trend, the scenario changed only a little over the past years and more than half of the Indian workers still remains a floating population-trying to earn as agricultural or construction workers in their home terrain or migrating to the urban areas in search of better livelihoods…

The Gates Of Hell

As if a will full provocation man has too often asserted themselves through evil intentions. The evil that man continues to do has most assuredly opened up the gates of Hell. By design and by purpose through deceit and deception the lives and livelihoods of millions are at the mercy of just a few.

Come This November

When November comes there will be a chill in the air. And, for many will be faced with another harsh and forbidden winter. It is as though the US and the world has turned it’s back on the still suffering multitudes that await the unforgiving reality of each and every day.

Red Clay Potter of San Marcos Tlapazola Transitions to Mezcal, Agave Motifs

The village of San Marcos Tlapazola, in the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca, is known for its female potters who form both utilitarian and decorative pieces out of red clay, or barro rojo. With the arrival of the global mezcal boom, and visitors coming to Oaxaca to buy, market and photograph all about the agave distillate, one potter, Maria Aragon Sanchez, has been able to transition to making pieces which attract visitors interested in mezcal. She makes all manner of figures and utilitarian pieces, but worked into each piece is the agave succulent used to make mezcal, and different scenes representative of the stages of the distillation process. Every pieces is made by hand and without a wheel. She and sister-in-law Gloria Cruz Sanchez work tirelessly in the fields mining hard clay, and back at their homestead turning it into buttery consistency, then forming their figures, finally firing in a rudimentary open air kiln. They have garnered a following, selling in the Sunday Tlacolula market, wholesaling in Oaxaca and other Mexican cities, and further abroad.

Help a Teacher

These are the times to accord our teachers some respect and show it with tangible financial help. The economics of a pandemic depleting populations only add up when you understand that more poorly educated people die for ignorance than those who have been helped by good teachers for generations. If we keep teachers abandoned, there’s a chance they’ll desert the profession that seems less noble than it’s always promised.

Neither Trump Or Biden Can Repair America

In no other time has the United States been so splintered. It is quite evident when Congress can’t even come to an agreement to offer relief to the public in terms of financial aid that is so desperately needed. This is just one example of how our elected officials care not about the welfare of the American citizen who by the way Congress is supposed to work for.

The Basic Instinct

The basic instinct for survival has always been the dominate force in life. A God given trait to survive is embedded in all living things. Humans are not natures rarest creatures.

It Just Might Be Too Late For America

Nothing short of idiocy has come out of the past 31/2 years in Washington. When Congress has acted only to come up short and many times have missed the boat on so many pieces of legislation it is a wonder why the United States hasn’t sunk like the Titanic. A drop in the bucket is all that has come out of legislators in response to not only this Pandemic but the continued economic misfortunes millions of Americans have been facing for years.

Generosity Demonstrates Love

To have more than enough and then a heart to want to share a portion of your fortune with total strangers is an example of love. With this being an election year, there always seems to be different headlines emerging on a daily basis. Businessman and billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced he would raise funds to help convicted felons pay their fines so he or she would be able to vote in this year’s election.

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