O vereador e candidato a deputado federal por Minas Gerais Nikolas Ferreira (PL) participou de uma audiência de conciliação com o Youtuber Nando Moura enquanto estava em uma moto. O próprio vereador moveu a ação por danos morais contra Moura. Ferreira aparece na garupa, sem capacete e com a camisa amarela da seleção brasileira, isso porque participava de uma motociata a favor do presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/8qYZyLxiQPk
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Industrialization in India
In A.K.N. Reddy’s essay, “Technology, Development, and the Environment: An Analytical Framework,”which was included in Ramachandra Guha’s Social Ecology, he asserted that modern societies are developing and utilizing technologies that are perilous to their environmental and social ecosystems without recognition of the inherent risks. He also addresses how the technologies of the developed world are, “…in the process of massive transfer to the developing world,” and the increased degradation that these societies have undergone as a result.
Tapeworm Economy – Why Wouldn’t Lenders Want the Subprime Mortgage Collapse and Foreclosures?As the banks realized how much bad mortgage debt they held, panic set in. The Federal Reserve bailed out the banks with newly-created money, attempting to inject liquidity into the system. But the banks did not use that money to keep operating and lending, instead using it to bail out underperforming hedge funds or to serve as a reserve for future losses.