Após ser sincera sobre a sua vida íntima e assumir que já teve uma fase “danadinha”, Deborah Secco desabafou sobre as críticas que tem recebido. Em entrevista, a atriz disse que “vive numa sociedade hipócrita”.
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Stimulus Package Update – Sort Of
I went to the recovery.gov site today to get the latest news on the stimulus package and how much has been rolled out in an attempt to save the woefully unemployed from forming a long winding line outside every homeless shelter in the country. I had ambitious goals of giving a well organized description of how much money has been dolled and to whom those dollars have been so graciously distributed.
Being Homeless and Stuck in a RutWhen it comes to the homeless and poverty in America, some people are really uncomfortable with the topic and anything that it entails. It’s natural to not want to think about these things that make you feel uncomfortable and it’s natural to not know how to react around a homeless person.