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► Edições por Infinity Edge
Contato: team.infinityedge@outlook.com
► Compra e Venda de HQs – @perdigeek
UK Economy May Not Recover Till 2012
► Curso de INGLÊS DEFINITIVO BEWAY: https://mkt.bewayidiomas.com.br/
► Nossa loja oficial – https://www.lojadalinhagem.com/
► Curso Youtube Sem Aparecer: https://go.hotmart.com/L65352130V
► Contato – linhagemgeekoficial@gmail.com
► Pix da Linhagem: linhagemgeek@gmail.com
► Siga e interaja com a gente no instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linhagemgeek
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► Comentem os Filmes, Animes e Tokusatsus que vocês gostariam que a gente fizesse vídeo aqui no canal.
► Edições por Infinity Edge
Contato: team.infinityedge@outlook.com
► Compra e Venda de HQs – @perdigeek
UK Economy May Not Recover Till 2012
The UK unemployment figure recently rose above the 2 million mark for the first time since 1997. It has been reported that the economy has contracted 4.2% since May 2008 and it’s expected that unemployment figures will continue to rise until they peak at an estimated 3.2 million later next year.
The Illusionary and Repressive Economic Status-Quo, Part IIThis is a continuation of the essay entitled, “The Illusory and Repressive Economic Status-Quo.” As a working model of a democratic socialist state, the format that is described herein is one that, if implemented properly, would provide equity and political economic justice for all American citizens.